How big is the Train Workshop?
The main hall is 9,000m2, the boiler room is 900m2 and the acid room is 160m2. In total there is 10,060m2
What is the maximum number of guests allowed in the Train Workshop?
There can be a maximum of 3.500 people total in the main hall and 350 people total in the Boiler Room.
How do I get to the Train Workshop?
The nearest train station is Dybbølsbro Station which is just 8 minutes on foot down the street.
Plan your trip with public transportation at www.rejseplanen.dk
Are there any parking options?
We have about 400 public parking spaces in the area with the option to buy parking tickets using the three vending machines on the site or using the Easypark app (area code 3018). Please note that the area is operated and owned by DSB properties / Apcoa.
Lost and Found
If you have lost or forgotten something in the Train Workshop, please write to info@lvcph.dk and we will investigate whether it has been found.
Please note that we may find forgotten / lost items 1-3 days after the event.
Is smoking allowed?
It is not allowed to smoke e-cigarettes or ordinary tobacco products indoors in the Train Workshop. All smoking must take place outside.
Indoor smoking or the use of illegal drugs results in expulsion.
How do I contact the Train Workshop?
You can contact Lokomotivværkstedet by phone +45 39 64 85 86 or email: info@lvcph.dk
If you want to know something about a specific event, you must contact the relevant organizer.
May I bring my own suppliers to the Train Workshop?
The Train Workshop has a number of preferred partners within tech. and catering, which must be used to ensure house knowledge and quality level.